Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Short stories- reviews

Hey, students!

Today you will be part of an amazing project: a critic of children's stories. You have
been given three stories to read for today.
Read all the three stories on the links below:

Now choose one of the stories you have just read. Write a review following all
steps for reviews:

Paragraph 1: An introduction

Facts and background information concerning the story,such as:
  • the title
  • the name of the characters. 
  • the type of story.
  • the place where the story takes place (i.e.the setting ).
Paragraph 2 and 3: Main body

Paragraph 2: describing the main features of the plot (or summary of the story)

paragraph 3: general comments and opinions on:

  • ‐the actions
  • ‐personality of characters
  • ‐the moral

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

  • Include a recommendation and reasons why you recommend (or don't recommend)
    the story.

    You can use some of these phrases to write your review. 

    • The story is called... (title)
    • It is a... (type)
    • It starts... (characters' names)
    • It is set in... (location)
    • It is about... (story)
    • It is... (description using adjectives)
    • if you like... (recommendation) 

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