Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Exam Review

Dear students,

The following activities will help you practice for your Descriptive Writing Exam.

Describing Places

 You were invited by the Queen of England to visit Buckingham Palace. In your visit,
you collected all the information below. Now write an e
mail to your mum or dad
explaining what you have seen and learnt about this place.

In one of your visits to the Palace you were introduced to some members of the British Royal Family.  Now write an email to your best friend describing ONE of them giving your personal opinion. Include physical and character description, and some information about their daily routine. 

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Short stories- reviews

Hey, students!

Today you will be part of an amazing project: a critic of children's stories. You have
been given three stories to read for today.
Read all the three stories on the links below:

Now choose one of the stories you have just read. Write a review following all
steps for reviews:

Paragraph 1: An introduction

Facts and background information concerning the story,such as:
  • the title
  • the name of the characters. 
  • the type of story.
  • the place where the story takes place (i.e.the setting ).
Paragraph 2 and 3: Main body

Paragraph 2: describing the main features of the plot (or summary of the story)

paragraph 3: general comments and opinions on:

  • ‐the actions
  • ‐personality of characters
  • ‐the moral

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

  • Include a recommendation and reasons why you recommend (or don't recommend)
    the story.

    You can use some of these phrases to write your review. 

    • The story is called... (title)
    • It is a... (type)
    • It starts... (characters' names)
    • It is set in... (location)
    • It is about... (story)
    • It is... (description using adjectives)
    • if you like... (recommendation) 

    Tuesday, 10 June 2014

    Film Review

    Are you up for a film?

    Hey, students!

    Today in the lab you'll practise your film review writing with a short film. 

    Let's have a look at 'Partly Cloudy'.

    Partly Cloudy


    Write a film review about this short film including all the aspects seen in 

    Paragraph 1: An introduction

    Facts and background information concerning the film,such as:
    • the title
    • the name ofthe artists or actors and actresses
    • the name ofthe director
    • the type ofmovie
    • the place where the story in the filmhappens(i.e.the setting )
    Paragraph 2 and 3: Main body

    Paragraph 2: describing the main features of the plot (or summary of the story in the film)

    paragraph 3: general comments and opinions on:

    • ‐the acting
    • ‐the music
    • ‐the photography
    • ‐the colour/ animation (if it is a cartoon )
    • ‐the setting
    • ‐the costumes
    • ‐special effects( e.g.sci‐fi movies)

    Paragraph 4: Conclusion

    • Include a recommendation and reasons why you recommend the film

      You can use some of these phrases to write your film review. 

      • The film is called... (title)
      • It is a... (type)
      • It is directed by... (director's name)
      • It starts... (actors' names)
      • It is set in... (location)
      • It is about... (story)
      • It is... (description using adjectives)
      • if you like... (recommendation) 

      Tuesday, 3 June 2014

      Enjoying a good film

      Look at the types of films below and match them to the pictures.

      a romance - a science fiction film - a comedy -  a fantasy film - a musical - a dramaan action film

      1. _________________________
      2. _________________________
      3. _________________________

      4. _________________________

      5. _________________________

      6. _________________________

      7. _________________________
      8. _________________________

      These people have described the type of films they like the most.  What kind of film are they talking about?

      Liz: "I like films which make me laugh."
      Jo: "I like serious films with good dialogues."
      Mark: "I like films in which strange and frightening things happen."
      Ed: "I like love films."
      Mick: "I like films about magical, imaginary worlds."
      Jim: "I like films with lots of singing and dancing."
      Kate: "I like films with lots of adventure and excitement."

      Men films / Women films

      Do you think men and women enjoy films differently? Look at the things people usually look for in a film. Decide which ones are men's and women's choice.  Complete the table below

      action - a good story - attractive men -  excitement - fighting - attractive women - dialogue - emotion - excitement - love - relationships - speed

      Answer the following questions:

      1. What do women's films focus on?
      2. What do you think about actors Nicolas Cage, Hugh Grant, and Mel Gibson?
      3. Do women watch only women's films?

      Read the reviews below.

      Answer the following questions about the reading.
      • Which film are these reviews about? If you are not sure, find information in this website http://www.imdb.com/
      • Do you agree with any of the reviews?Why? Write a journal entry with this information.
      • Do you think the writers are male or female?