Tuesday, 25 March 2014

An ordinary day...

Is your day like one of your classmates' day? Let’s do the following activities and find out.

1.- Write the name of the activity that relates to each picture.  Use an online dictionary if you are not sure about the spelling or the use of these expressions.

Example: have breakfast

2.- On your notebook, write down one 'wh' question for each activity.  Make sure you use, at least, three different question words. Choose from the ones below, or add any others you like.


Example: What time do you have breakfast?

1) ____________________________________________________________?
2) ____________________________________________________________?
3) ____________________________________________________________?
4) ____________________________________________________________?
5) ____________________________________________________________?
6) ____________________________________________________________?

3.- Answer the questions with your own information and ask them to one of your classmates afterwards. Complete the chart with the information you get.


Using the information in the chart, write two paragraphs. One paragraph about yourself and the other about your classmate.

Reflection time
How important is for you having a routine? Write your ideas in your journal.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Who is who?

Dear students,

Today you are going to play a game. To start with, you need to get information  about the use of adjectives.

  • First, access the link below, watch the one-minute video (Why learn about adjectives?) and take notes in your composition book:

  • Now you are ready to play. Go the link below and play the game. Good luck!

  • Once you have finished, print your score and hand it in to your teacher at the end of the class.

What do they look like?

As a class, describe the people you see in the picture below. Use as many expressions studied in class as you can.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Physical and Character Description


According to the article that you have read, the Chinese believe that the shape of the face can show the character of a person.

  1. Look at the pictures in the chart, and write the name under each picture. Check your answers with your teacher before you complete the item  below.
  2. Now read the article again and find the corresponding information to complete the boxes. When there are no details about a certain characteristic, just put a cross (X) and/or use the last row of boxes. Note well that the order in which shapes are shown in the chart is not exactly the same as it appears in the text.

Describing Famous People

Choose three of the people from the picture below and write a physical description for each of them. Then, read your descriptions out loud so your classmates can guess who you're talking about.


Find out here:         

Write an entry in your journal. State if you believe that the shape of your face coincides with the character descriptions that the Chinese explain in the article you have read.   Hand in your work to your teacher next class.